Baseball is a dangerous sport. Little League Baseball has taken massive efforts to improve and increase safety for children while still keeping the game fun and competitive. At FVLL, we are directed by Little League Baseball to enforce their strict rules concerning safety on and off the playing field. We cannot be a Little League without following their rules. We also have our own safety rules and regulations that are enforced by our Safety Officer. Many of these rules are posted at our field and will soon be posted in this space as well. Each Player, Coach, Manager, Umpire, Board Member, League Official, Parent and Spectator agrees to these rules and is expected to follow them. We have League Board Members on duty at each game who are empowered to ensure that our rules are followed and that our fields are a happy and safe environment for children to play baseball.
Accidents happen and are required to be reported to our Safety Officer. If you have a question regarding the safety of our fields, witness un-safe behavior, have a suggestion that would help us improve our safety or have a comment about our safety policies, please direct them to our Safety Officer.